How to Level Up Your Skills For 2024?

Hey Reader

You can't run an 8 hour-kart race on the same set of tires. We (Track Limits) did an endurance race this past weekend.

Anyways, this week's A&R newsletter focuses on Talent Development.

This will be useful for people who want to work in sports or manage and guide new talent.

  • The challenge
  • Why it's important
  • Common solutions
  • My approach

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The Challenge

It's tough for people looking for work or freelance work, with many asking how I can level my skills to advance myself. I was in the same boat for 1.5 years, rooted in a need for more self-awareness and clarity about career goals and aspirations.

Why it's important

I read a study by iSportConnect and Choicely showing the top 6 skills lacking in sports.

  1. Market Research (fan beliefs & attitudes)
  2. Data Analytics (fan digital consumption)
  3. Development of venue technology
  4. Digital marketing/campaigning
  5. Commercial/monetizing fan engagement
  6. Digital product development

There is a gap in businesses that do not find the right people.

Plus, there is a lack of trust that businesses are not finding. I won't knock it all down to that. But when I was going through my setback, I asked, "What can I do in my power to control this?"

Common Solutions

A standard approach always sounds like this. "I do everything for everyone" or "social media manager in motorsports."

That translates to, in the hiring manager's mind, "I can't do anything," leading to a need for more trust in you to get the job done.

The other solution is blanket networking, which is the right mindset but is usually executed incorrectly. Wait to ask for a job and build relationships.

My approach

Premium positioning changed everything for me**.** You can apply this if you're advancing your career or want to define what you do for others.


It's a more focused and specific approach to your career.

Instead of working for anyone & anything, here's what you should do instead:

  • Apply the RULE of ONE: I will use my headline as an example.
    • I ghostwrite Educational Email Courses for motorsport sponsors and brands to turn customers into loyal fans.
  • 1 type of person to target: Motorsport Sponsors
  • 1 specific problem: Turning customers into fans
  • 1 specific solution: Ghostwriting Email Marketing assets

This is a foundational lesson for future professionals and people who work in motorsport. Gone are the days of "jack of all trades." Sure, you need to have a general idea about the industry. Ultimately, it comes down to what problems you can solve for people that save them time or make them money.


Writing online is tough, but it has helped me launch my agency and allowed me to work with motorsport sponsors, brands, and teams. That's why I created the LinkedIn Content Library.

Which gives you 30 days' worth of content and two years' worth of learning that has already been written for you.

  • The hardest part of online content is knowing what to write. This product gives you the launch pad to write and schedule out a year's worth of content to grow your business and online brand.

So that you can Create a content system of your own.
So that you can Build a habit and stay consistent.

>>> LinkedIn Content Library <<<

I am also offering 1-1 consulting calls. If you want to gain access to expert insights tailored to your motorsport business needs, I have over a decade of experience and a proven track record.

>>> Consult with Nirupam Singh <<<

If I were to dedicate the next issue of my newsletter to you and the challenge you're currently facing...what would that issue be?

Cheers, Niru

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