British GP Effect 🏁 Motorsport A&R

Hey Reader Welcome back to The Motorsport A&R. To the 500 subscribers this week, hello and welcome. If you’re new, you can catch up on our previous editions right here.
I unfortunately missed last week's edition. Monday's are too jam-packed with work. Moving forward, this will come out every Wednesday morning instead.

  1. The Top Story: British GP is struggling to get a full house. Growth vs Retention
  2. Pre-Race Analysis: Social listening and how F1 teams should use it for a two-way conversation with an audience. ​
  3. Post-Race Analysis: Dr Gerogie Carroll wrote a great post on F1 newsletters. ​
  4. Podium Worthy: Information to pay attention to

​— Nirupam Singh​


British GP is struggling to get a full house. Growth vs Retention

Context: Expanding on the British GP post from last week. People are clearly very upset about Silverstone hiking up prices this year and using Max as a scapegoat for lower ticket sales. So, what's important? Growth or Retention?
​Thoughts: You need a balance of both. Pre-DTS, there was a desperate need for the sport to growβ€”more fans, more seats in buts. Honestly, it was too much to the extreme. It's all predictable in this industry.

Once DTS worked, it seemed like it was being milked to make the most money from new fans.

So we end here: relying only on DTS hype to fuel growth and needing to know how to maintain it. It's all about growth, with zero thought about retention.
The problem is that promoters or companies in motorsport still need to build systems to have two conversations with an audience. Instead, it's all about selling, selling, selling. Learning practices from YouTube and creator space, you can't build without reiterating and testing what your audience likes and dislikes.

The people making decisions are so far removed from the audience. You can no longer rely on keeping the status quo and moving forward without looking at how you actively interact with a fanbase.

Pre-Race Analysis

Social listening and how F1 teams should use it for a two-way conversation with an audience.

Think of social listening as the digital equivalent of being attentive in everyday conversations - clear and effective communication is essential to maintaining strong relationships.

Social listening in marketing refers to monitoring and analysing online conversations for actionable audience insights.

Alright, we got the concept down; how can this be used for teams?

  1. Sentiment Analysis: The attitudes and feelings towards a brand, product, or topic.
  2. During campaign launches: You can monitor audience responses and make informed adjustments to maximise the campaign's effectiveness and align more closely with your target audience's preferences and expectations.
  3. Competitive Analysis: What is the brand down the paddock doing you're not? What is their audience saying, and where are they not being catered to?

F1 teams can quickly start this by using their newsletters and written content. They can easily segment their audience and have a two-way conversation with them.

Just like this.

Post-Race Analysis

​Dr Georgie Carroll wrote a great post on F1 newsletters. ​

Speaking on newsletters. Dr Georgie analysed the paddock's newsletters and how they rank next to each other.
I have said in the past that newsletters and email marketing are heavily underutilised in F1 and motorsport. Why do you think I started my own?

The consensus on how to use it properly is simple.

Treat it just like you do with the social app. You don't sell to people 100% of the time.

You lead with value, build trust & credibility and then interact with the right people to buy from you. Let's fix that mindset because, clearly, email marketing in motorsport is still stuck in the stone ages.


  1. Jordan Rogers previously worked at Nike in marketing and has great advice for getting started in marketing in corporate.
  2. We released our Chris Medland interview. If you know Chris, you know he is a talker, and my god, he had great stories to share with us.
  3. If you're a founder of a B2B motorsport company trying to build authority and increase leads. Here's the playbook.

How I Can Help

  1. On every call, I discuss founder-led marketing and how it's the best way to gain leverage in your career long-term. Find out how. I am currently building this for 3 founders.
  2. ​I created a sponsorship email course to teach people the growth hack way to acquire sponsors.
  3. If you're still looking for a job in motorsport and don't know what to do. Here is a free resource on what you need to know. ​

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